To young people and to the entire people of God
Prayer and Spirituality
Poor Clare Nuns (Sisters of St. Clare): The sisters are a community of contemplative religious women who have a mission of prayer for the
people and needs of our diocese. You can ask for prayer on their website.
Faith Formation Learning Opportunities
University of Dayton - online offerings
Mass Times for Travel - Find local Catholic churches and Mass times when traveling.
Other Organizations
Catholic Family Service provides a wide variety of professional adoption, counseling, and guardianship services to those in need.
Camp Sancta Maria is a Catholic summer camp located near Gaylord, Michigan. They have summer sessions for girls and boys, and also parent/child weekends are available.
Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreats are designed to help any person who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of an abortion to experience the mercy and compassion of God and help them to grieve the loss of their unborn child.