Middle School Video Lessons
Middle School Lesson 12 - Holy or Hypocrite?: Hypocrisy, Judgment, and Tolerance
In our third video in the Question Everything Series: Objections to the Church, Emily continues the discussion on these objections with this next emphasis being on hypocrisy, judgment, and tolerance.
Middle School Lesson 11 - Religion or Freedom?: Organized Religion
Continuing in our second of four videos in the Question Everything Series. Amy teaches about Organized Religion.
Middle School Lesson 10 - God or Unicorn?: The existence of God
To begin our next video series for the Middle School Youth Ministry program. We open with a lesson about the existence of God taught by Emily Moll.
Middle School Lesson 9 - Fire Inside: Mary
To close out the semester about the Creed of our Catholic faith. Amy leads us in a teaching of St. Mary.
Middle School Lesson 8 - Ashes to Ashes
Before we conclude the lessons on the creed of the Catholic Church we make a short detour with Amy about Ash Wednesday.
Middle School Lesson 7 - Flamethrower
In our seventh video for Middle School Youth Ministry, Amy, continues the lessons we embarked on at the beginning of the year discussing the Creed in our Catholic faith. This week's topic is focusing on the Communion of Saints.
Middle School Lesson 6 - Oxygen
In our sixth video covering the aspects our Nicene and Apostle Creeds Emily instructs on vocations, and the life or oxygen they breathe into the life of the church.
Middle School Lesson 5 - Life in the Fire
In this fifth video of our Middle School lessons Amy teaches about the structure of the Catholic Church.
Middle School Lesson 4 - Everlasting
This week's lesson taught by Emily, with some additional participation from the rest of the teaching team, is about the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
Middle School Lesson 3 - Kindling
One of our new teachers for this year, Emily, makes her teaching debut in this Middle School lesson about the Church.
Middle School Lesson 2 - Ignition
One of our new teachers for this year, Amy, makes her teaching debut in this Middle School lesson about the mission of the Holy Spirit.
Middle School Lesson 1 - Always Burning
Youth Ministry Coordinator Steven Sandoval introduces the topic to begin the 2020-2021 Middle School year. Who is the Holy Spirit?